We have explored the fact that there is little evidence that white racism is much of a factor in black under-achievement. So why do SJWs apparently believe that white racism is holding back the progress of black people? According to Shelby Steele, author of White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the…

Inspiring: Professor Jason D. Hill
This story is a wonderful, touching story, from the perspective of a black immigrant who arrived in this country with $120. Below are some quotes from “An Open Letter to Ta-Nehisi Coates”. “Because I write as a black immigrant who chose to live in the United States, whose biggest hope as a child was to…

Apologizing for your Race
If you are white, and the SWJs can get you to the point of apologizing for your race, you are in trouble. You have been convinced to accepting a form of racism against yourself. (Exceptions noted below.) Bernie Sanders, in the 2016 presidential race, has called for the country to apologize for slavery. “One courageous…

Implicit Bias Hoax
SJWs have a problem. Their world-view depends on blaming the problems of black people (and other minorities) on white racism. However, there is very convincing evidence that in reality, racism is a small problem at this point in time. For this reason, it is very common for SJWs to cite historical racism, and through magical…

This is a must-read Guide for young college students who care about real justice, fairness, and clear-thinking. It is an antidote to the Social Justice indoctrination that has become common in American universities, and increasingly starts in high schools and even middle schools. This is not an easy time to be attending our nation’s colleges…