Blacks, on average, are doing poorly compared to almost every other racial category. Specifically, according to a report by Pew, compared with whites, in 2014 black income was about 61% white income. Blacks are also doing considerably worse than whites in terms of wealth, money saved at retirement, poverty, and unemployment. “More than two-thirds of…

SJWs: You Are Responsible for 100’s of Black Deaths
Dear Social Justice Warriors: Even though you probably have the best of intentions, you are responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of black deaths. If you believe in acknowledging past sins, then it’s time for you to own up to this one. This note is intended for non-black SJWs who support the Black Lives Matter…
Best Links
After you have gone through The Guide, here are some of the best links to continue educating yourself about Social Justice issues: Prager U. This site has fabulous five minute videos about many topics, many of which touch on Social Justice concerns. Caters to a university audience. Campus Reform. This is a great place to…

Can We Disagree With People of Color?
I’ve heard over and over the idea that “if you are not a person of color, then there is just no way you can challenge their experience if they feel oppressed.” This is untrue–but with a tiny grain of truth. We can’t challenge anyone’s subjective experience, but neither can they challenge ours. Each of us…

Does “Social Justice” lead to more white nationalism?
Some observers cite an apparent increase in white nationalism (although, to my knowledge, this apparent increase has not been measured and may be small.) It makes sense to me that the racial tribalism of minority groups, coupled with a reverse-caste system in which those who are deemed “privileged” must go to the bottom of the…

Unsolicited Advice for “Oppressed” People
A very wise man once said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” One common theme that I hear from individuals who are deemed to be in a “victim” class is that they want the benefit of the doubt. A black person walking down the street or in a store does…

How to talk to a SJW
When challenging the SJW world-view, it is important to be polite. Some SWJ’s try to portray anyone who does not accept their theories as a flat-earth troglodyte. If you lose your cool and get mad, you are just making it easier for them to portray you as an ignorant cretin. So instead, just listen politely,…

The Transgender Phenomenon
Is it a good idea to identify with a subjective sense of gender, as opposed to an objective measurement? Does this actually enhance the mental health of those who feel like they are at odds with their biological sex? I’m agnostic, and quite skeptical, on these questions. In my view, the concept of “transgender” has…

Multiculturalism and Leftist Privilege
“The Office for Diversity Education is committed to building and maintaining a more inclusive and welcoming environment for EVERYONE on the Newberry College Campus. Through educational initiatives and action, the Institution will focus on implementing and supporting the college’s commitment to promote personal and social acceptance, development, awareness and understanding of diversity, multiculturalism, and social…

Historical Context of Slavery and Other Evil Deeds
Have your teachers/professors given you the impression that slavery was unique to us? Apparently, this false impression is very common. My own earlier education was deficient in this way. But it is not too late to learn the truth. Likewise, have you been taught that European imperialism, including the inhumane treatment of the native Americans,…